
首頁  >  服務   >  服務收費   >  香港股票
    Revised on:  01 Oct 2010
Enlighten Securities Limited
Table of Service Charges
項目 內容 最低/ 最高收費
Item Description Minimum / Maximum
交易費用Transaction Costs:    
佣金 議價 最低$70.00
Brokerage Negotiable Min $70.00
印花稅 每宗交易金額的0.1 % 不足一元亦作一元計算
Stamp Duty 0.1 % per transaction amount . Rounded up to the nearest dollar
證監會交易徵費 交易金額的0.0027% -
Transaction Levy 0.003% per transaction amount. -
聯交所交易費 交易金額的0.005% -
Trading Fee 0.005% per transaction amount. -
結算所結算費 交易金額的0.005% 最低$2.00,       最高$300.00
Clearing Fee 0.005% per transaction amount. Min $2.00,        Max $300.00
財匯局交易徽費 交易金額的0.00015% -
FRC Transaction Levy 0.00015% per transaction amount -
轉手紙厘印費 每張轉手紙$5.00,  由賣出新股票方支付, 或代存入新股票 -
Transfer Deed $5.00 per transfer deed for seller, or deposit of new share(s).  
結欠利率Interest Rate for Debit Balance :  
現金客戶逾期交收 優惠利率+ 6% -
Overdued Settle for Cash Client Prime Rate + 6%  
保証金客戶 優惠利率+ 3% -
Margin Client Prime Rate + 3% -
股票存入/ 提取Stock Deposit / Withdrawal :  
股票現貨存入 豁免存入費(不包括轉手紙厘印費) -
Physical Stock Deposit Waive of Depository Fee (Transfer Deed not included) -
股票現貨提取 每手收費$5.00 零碎股份亦作一手計算
Physical Stock Withdrawal $5.00 per Board Lot Odd lot will be calculated as nearest board lot
交收指示Settlement Instruction (SI) :  
股票轉入Share Transfer In  豁免轉入費Waive charges -
股票轉出Share Transfer Out 以上日收市價計算市值的0.002%, 另加每帳戶$100.00 最低$102.00
  0.002% of Previous Market Value, plus $100.00 per account. Min $102.00
投資者戶口交收指示Investor Settlement Instruction (ISI) :  
股票轉入/轉出 豁免全部費用  -
Share Transfer In / Out Waive all charges -
代理人服務Nominees Services :    
登記及過戶費 每手$2.50 零碎股份亦作一手計算
Scrip Fee $2.50 per board lot Odd lot will be calculated as nearest board lot
股息及以股代息收集費 股息的0.5% 最低$10.00,     最高$10,000.00
Collection fee for dividend & scrip dividend 0.5 % of Dividend Amount Min $10.00,        Max $10,000.00
行使認股權證/ 行使供股權/ 現金收購/ 公司私有化 每手$1.50  另加印花稅(如有) 最低$100.00,    最高$12,000.00
Warrants Exercise / Rights Subscription / Take-Over Offer / Privatization $1.50 per lot, plus Stamp Duty (if any) Min $100.00,     Max $12,000.00
其他Others :    
代客轉名  每手$5.00,  另加每單$50.00 手續費 零碎股份亦作一手計算
Share deliver to Register for registration on behalf of client $5.00 per board lot, plus $50.00 per case Odd lot will be calculated as nearest board lot
認購新股(IPO) 融資申請每單$100.00, 非融資申請每單$50.00  -
Initial Public offer (IPO) $100 per application for financing, $50.00 per application for non-financing  
電匯至海外戶口 每單款項$300.00 另加收款銀行手續費 -
T / T to Overseas Bank Account $300.00 per amount, plus services charges by receiving bank -
撥賬式滙款至本地戶口 每單款項$200.00 -
CHATS to Local Bank Account $200.00 per amount -
退票 每張$200.00  -
Returned Cheque $200.00 per cheque -
代索回未領取股息/ 權益 每單手續費$300.00, 另加總額的0.5%及結算所收費 最低$300.00
Claim for unclaimed dividend / entitlement $300.00 per claim, plus 0.5% of total claimed & the charges by HKSCC Min $300.00